perm filename CARL.TXT[1,DBL] blob sn#549581 filedate 1980-12-06 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Course: Concurrent Systems
Lecturer: Professor Carl Hewitt
Organization:  Will meet once a week for an hour and a half

Technologies for concurrent systems including
multiplexing processors, multiprocessor network systems,
and distributed systems.  Issues of load balancing, migration, and
automatic real-time storage reclamation.  Introduction to actors and
their fundamental properties.  Message-passing based programming
languages.  Use of parallelism in semantic networks and pattern-directed
rule-based systems.  Application to knowledge-based AI systems and
to workstation prototypes.  Axiomatic and power domain models.
Comparison of related models of concurrent systems including Petri Nets,
Communicating Sequential Processes, and flow algebras.
Impact of VLSI on concurrent systems.ββββ